Image credit: DVIDSHUB
Off-road driving is as exciting as it can get risky. Though there is no special license for off-road drivers, there are a number of tips that you should remember while driving. There is no end to learning, however, here you will find 10 of the most important off-road driving safety precautions that may come in handy next time you go on your off-road adventure:
Do Not Speed Up

Unless you need to climb a hill or get over an obstacle, speed is the number one thing to avoid. If an obstacle comes up that requires too much speed, be sure that you will either damage your car or get stuck. Drive “as slow as possible, as fast as necessary”. Manage engine power, braking and torque efficiently with the gears.
Don’t Get Lost

Always let someone know about your destination and the time of your departure and arrival before going somewhere, no matter how risk-free that area is. You can get lost or harmed even in simple terrains, so it is better if someone knows about the place to go searching if you cannot contact with them. Take their phone number and also the local sheriff’s contact number so that you can call if there is an emergency.
Have a Companion Around

Make sure that you have some other vehicle driving along with you. This will be handy if your vehicle gets damaged to the point that you cannot fix it in site. And it is always better to have someone to solve problems in case you are stuck.
Don’t Forget to Pack Up Extra Gear

No matter how confident you are about your vehicle and your trip, you should pack extra gear, supplies and tools with you. Take extra clothes, sleeping bag, water and medical emergencies too, in case you need them.
Fasten Your Gear

Keep the gear secured in a place so that it does not bounce off the vehicle some time without you noticing. Unfastened gear may also hurt someone inside the vehicle.
Buckle Up

Make sure that everyone aboard including you is wearing the seatbelts. You never know when an accident can come.
Follow the Path that You Know

Do not leave the trail and do not go exploring a new territory. If there is no path, it is better to assume that someone may have tried that way before but failed. Or even if they have not failed, there is no guarantee that you will succeed either. Going off the trail may also damage the environment.
Don’t Drive If You are Tired

Do not drive when you are tired. Fatigue may cause you to lose concentration and result in an accident. If you feel even a little tired, either rest or ask someone else to drive for some time.
Tools are Vital

Take your tools with you so that you can do repair works in case there is some problem on the way. Take a hand winch, tow strap, high-lift jack, shovel and wood blocks.
Check the Road before You Proceed

If you need to examine the terrain or soil condition on the way, get out of the vehicle and check rather than proceeding with your vehicle. You should also check the other side of a hill before going ahead.
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